
Outlook crashes when replying to email
Outlook crashes when replying to email

  • From the Tools menu choose Rules and Alerts.
  • To create a rule in Outlook 2007 and older: You can also open the Rules and Alerts dialog by right-clicking in the message list and choose Rules > Manage Rules and Alerts.
  • Under Actions, locate the CC action and enter your email address.
  • Select conditions if you only want to be CC'd on certain messages or click Next to CC yourself on every message you send.
  • Open Manage Rules and Alerts (Home ribbon, Rules command).
  • To create a rule in Outlook 2010 and newer: If you want to BCC yourself, you'll need to use VBA or an add-in listed at Automatically BCC all Messages. If you are used to this 'feature' from older versions of Outlook and want to include yourself in replies sent using Outlook 2003 and up, you'll need to create an after sending rule to CC yourself. I had to use email addresses only to insure the Contact Group was correct. When I pasted the list into the Members field, Outlook 2013 consistently resolved contacts to other people with the same first name. I recently attempted to create a Contact Group using a list of first names and contacts (in firstname format, one person per row). Note on item 3: While it seems odd that Outlook is resolving reply addresses to contacts when it has the address already, it's my experience that Outlook resolves to display names, even when it has an email address to compare. In each of these situations, the From address is different than the account address so Outlook included it in the Reply to all. Outlook is resolving to the copy in your Contacts, not the GAL.
  • You have one or more contacts in Outlook for your own GAL entry and one contains the wrong address.
  • Outlook is using the x500 address, not the SMTP address (Exchange mailboxes only).
  • outlook crashes when replying to email

    When people reply to your address, Outlook sees that address as belonging to someone else.

  • The Reply to address in File > Account Settings > More Settings is not the same as your account email address.
  • When Outlook is confused, the possible causes include: If your From address is the same as the address the message was sent to, Outlook can properly identify your address and will not include it in a 'reply to all'.

    outlook crashes when replying to email

    It should only include yourself in the reply to all if the address the message was sent to is not the same as the account address. While this was a common problem years ago, Outlook now does a good job identifying "who you are". I'm seeing too many Outlook users complain that 'reply to all' includes their own address.

    Outlook crashes when replying to email